Women in Architecture – Shelley Penn Part 1

My last interview for Architel.tv in the Women in Architecture series is with the inimitable Shelley Penn. Shelley is a powerhouse with interests in writing, educating, urbanism and in every way making a contribution to the architectural world. She was President of the AIA and has been involved with numerous committees. Always ready to make a contribution Shelley is an outstanding member of the architectural community and is a women has has made her mark in Australia.

Women in Architecture - MA Architecture

Continuing the Architel.tv Women in Architecture series I speak with Clare McAllister and Karen Alcock from MA Architects. Clare and Karen have a successful architecture practice specialising in multi-residential projects and they discuss with me the challenges of running a business and the changes they have seen over the years.

Milan 2014 – Interview with Oki Sato from Nendo

One of the highlights of my trip to Milan and the Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2014 for Architel.tv was the opportunity to interview Oki Sato from Nendo.

Oki Sato IS Nendo, a design company that has taken the work by storm with a proliferation of projects, objects and installations. It was a pleasure to talk to a man who is engaging, humourous and thoroughly delightful. You can tell I thought he was fabulous. See the interview and judge for yourself! 

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